Single Layer Forming Fabrics

Single layer forming fabrics are a compromise between paper making characteristics and long life time. They are woven in 4 shed, 5 shed and 8 shed for different paper grades.

According to their weaving shed, polyester single layer forming fabrics could be used for the manufacture of kraft papers, tissue papers, writing & printing papers.

Single Layer Forming Fabrics

Technical Specification

warp diameter weft diameter warp mesh weft count fabric strength seam strength caliper CFM
0.22 mm 0.27 mm 30 / cm 21.5 / cm > 600 N/cm > 400 N/cm 0.51 mm 488
0.22 mm 0.25 mm 30 22.5 600 400 0.54 mm 550
0.22 mm 0.3 mm 28 22 700 500 0.81 mm 440
0.22 mm 0.4 mm 31 17.5 700 500 0.9 mm 420
0.22 mm 0.45 mm 28 14 700 500 0.93 mm 500
0.22 mm 0.4 mm 28.2 17 700 450 0.75 mm 455

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